RISE programme – Autonómia

RISE programme

2024-04-01 -

Through the RISE programme – a collaboration with our long-time partner Caritas Alba Iulia from Romania – we are working to reduce early school leaving among disadvantaged, primarily Roma, young people.

Launched in April 2024, the two-year project focuses on mentoring and skills development, building on the Foundation’s tried and tested methods.

The programme takes place in three Romanian and three Hungarian municipalities (Miskolc, Gyöngyös, Budapest) and primarily targets disadvantaged Roma and non-Roma young people aged 14-18 in secondary school. In Miskolc and Gyöngyös, most of the young people involved live in segregated settlements.

The young people participate in non-formal, mentored individual and group activities that develop their basic skills and help them progress in school. Particular attention is paid to pupils who are new to secondary education to minimise the risk of early school leaving.

The following services are provided for young people participating in the programme:
– Individual and group mentoring for motivation and skills development
– Skills development sessions to enhance skills and self-awareness relevant to education and the labour market
– Labour market training focusing on the steps of the job search and selection process
– Workplace visits, job fairs
– Community and leisure programmes

In the framework of the project, we organise training courses and workshops on the causes of early school leaving, responses, and practical ways to alleviate the problems, in cooperation with teachers, NGO professionals, and university students. The evaluation of the project’s impact, policy recommendations based on the experience gained, and the methods used are disseminated online to the institutions and NGOs concerned.

The project is implemented in cooperation with Caritas Alba Iulia http://www.caritas-ab.ro/

The project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme.

CERV-2023-EQUAL – 101144429